Remicade has been WONDERFUL for me. I started 4/3/17, did my loading doses, then every 8 weeks until September. I was still having some minor symptoms, so we switched to every four, and I went right into remission. I did have a blip with a minor flare this spring, but it’s now under control after adding a second med. Sticking with Remicade as long as I can because it’s done an amazing job of healing my colon!
I’ve done conference calls, emails and put together presentations while getting infusions with no problem. You should be able to work if you premed with Claritin. Ask how to get on the WiFi and have all your devices charged. I was nervous for the first few but was absolutely fine other than one bad reaction to IV Benadryl (it makes me jittery - I do Claritin instead now).
I do labs before each infusion (CBC, metabolic panel, CRP, ESR and Remicade levels) but every doctor and center are different.
No real side effects. I was more exhausted after my first few infusions - like wiped out - but that improved with time. I still don’t make any plans for the night of a treatment, but can usually do low key activities the next day. We all respond differently, so you may be just fine afterwards.
I saw a difference almost immediately after the first infusion, and continued improving until I hit remission. It took 4 treatments to feel significantly better and start forgetting that I had UC
I did have some weird joint pain right after my first few infusions but they went away over time. Nothing significant. I have also (knock on wood) been healthier since starting Remi, but I’m also careful about
hand washing and diligent about
flu shots. Cuts seem slower to heal, but this is the first winter in many years that I didn’t have a bad cold or flu
best of luck!