Posted 7/12/2018 7:29 AM (GMT -5)
As other's have said IV tacrolimus is a short-term rescue medication much like IV-steroids, IV Cyclosporine, or double-dose IV Remicade are. Tacrolimus is a strong, fast-acting immunomodulator, much like Cyclosporine that works well for many while you're on it. Much like prednisone, Tacrolimus/Cyclosporine is only for temporary usage and therefore you need an escape plan for what you will use afterwards to sustain your quality of life (they buy you time while other maintenance treatment meds are given time to work). Tacrolimus/Cyclosporine is often used when someone is steroid-refractory (meaning IV steroids do not work). You'd take Tacrolimus/Cyclosporine with the hopes of that working or else you're slated for an emergency surgery for a colectomy. It's one of those nuclear weapons we have in our arsenal but only used sparingly when everything is FUBAR (F'ed/Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition/Any Repair/All Reason) and there is no other choice but to try it to tame a flare.
Some teaching-hospitals might try to use Tacrolimus/Cyclosporine in more novel ways, and perhaps not as a last-ditch effort as would be done in more traditional GI-practices. For example, I've heard of Tacrolimus Suppositories being used experimentally in some UC patients, sometimes with results.
Embellish us a little bit about your situation, whats' the current state of your UC?, what meds are you currently on?, and How bad are your UC symptoms?