Posted 11/26/2018 11:30 AM (GMT -5)
Over the years, folks have mentioned many different methods, from the humble notepad, to MS Excel, and to various apps. Myself, I don't track anything. As tracking am I feeling better/worse/the same on a week-to-week basis is a gut feeling I can easily assess. I find there's a lot/ton of noise (that is random variation) going on that is hard to identify why/what triggered it. For example, I can eat chicken one day and have perfect bm and no symptoms, repeat the same exact meal the next day and have a nightmare morning. The randomness to it (real good day followed immediately by a real bad day) is maddening and I've given up trying to figure it out. I just accept that UC is just immensely confusing, random, and frustrating and roll with it lol. Jsut when you think you've beaten this monster it jumps out again and scares you (BOO *gasp* look what I can do, I made your poo colorful with my favorite color red) :-p
As someone once put here, "never before in all of history has so much crap been so meticulously tracked so well for so long" ha. I think some of us definitely have a tendency to try and watch our own data very closely. Don't get me wrong, as it's sometimes possible to find trends and causes in things. Also possible to not find anything and just be wasting time.