One positive is that high waisted bottoms are in. I have a few pairs of high bikini bottoms from when I had my ostomy and I still wear them
Also, you should get a wrap and see how you like it for wearing when you want to look down and not see the ostomy. I had 2 from when I had surgery and i gave them to a fellow poster here. They have a pocket inside where you stick the pouch, it keeps it pressed flat. I'd probably wear that if I were flying. That way if they lifted (which they really shouldn't do ), it would just be the wrap showing.
If it is Crohn's Colitis, you could hopefully live symptom free with an ileo. Some people have even done well with j-pouches, but it's riskier. One thing about
the end ileo is that it's very easy to manage, and actually, it's no nonsense. I would get 7 days with a wafer and no leaks. Some of the brands, like hollister make a mini pouch that you can snap on. Those are good for under bottoms, but I wouldn't want to wear it for too long, as it fills up a lot faster. Witht he end ileo you get to keep the part of the terminal ileum that would be otherwise used to make the jpouch out of, so you end up losing less of your overall system, which leads to going less often and often better output. There are some really great things about
the ileo. Easier to get pregnant too, since you wouldn't have as many surgeries. More surgeries, more adhesion issues. Not trying to sway you, but some things to consider. If i were you I would give it some time, live your life, see if you're able to live happily.