Posted 5/5/2019 11:37 AM (GMT -5)
So for the last 2-3 months, I had been doing pretty well. BMs were down to about 1-2 a day, usually around the same time of the day, and with low urgency, sometimes a moderate about of urgency but never bad urgency. So I was feeling pretty good and figured I wasnt in full blown remission, but was still darn close.
Then about 2 weeks ago, I noticed some blood. It wasnt every BM, wasnt much when it showed up. I sometimes attributed it to me trying to force a BM just because I was so used to going multiple times a day. Probably within the last week, things have kind of picked up. A few more BMs a day than normal, more urgency, a lot of mucus, and more diarrhea. Again, no where near as bad when I was flaring pretty badly, but still a bummer given how I had been feeling.
I take Methotrexate weekly. I took 25mg a week on Friday nights. However, I got bad nausea, headaches, etc the days after taking it so my doctor cut the dosage in half a few months ago. The results were better, but I still got headache and felt bad after on Saturday. So I started looking for stuff to take with the pills and I started with a bananna and yogurt. I was surprised at how it worked. I usually felt fine the day after and have been taking those foods with the pills every week since. Out of all of my meds, this is the only one that has changed in recent months so any change in my health, I would attribute to a change in the Methotrexate. Could eating yogurt with my pills be harming its effectiveness? Should I change anything or just see how the next week goes? I dont think I was in remission and am now flaring. I think I havent been in remission in years and the disease just chooses to poke its ugly head up at various points.
My other question is related to milk. I dont drink straight milk besides when I go to the gym and I use it with my whey protein. Every night for the past few weeks, I come back from the gym and feel bloated, stomach/abdominal pain, etc. My doctor and I thought months ago that there was a pretty good chance that I had IBS in addition to UC. Not good, but not Earth shattering. I got a lot of the typical IBS symptoms, bloating, cramps, gas, and constipation. This week I realized that the milk has been the common factor every night when I feel bad. But that confused me since I eat yogurt every morning, eat cheese on a variety of stuff, and eat things like ice cream and never really had this problem. I was just wondering if anyone here is lactose intolerant and if it is possible to struggle with straight milk drinking but be okay with other dairy?