Yes...i assume they are well versed in IBD. It is one of the biggest Gastroenterology places here in the midwest as far as i know.
I have been down on my dosage of 6mp for more than a month. I am going to have them run blood test again. I want to get off of it regardless. Symtoms wise i have only really had one flare in the past year which led me down this nightmare. THe first flare i ever had was 2 years ago..same time of year (winter)....but that healed up on its own. The second one i had last year i thought i was going to get fired for missing so much work so i went to the doctor and got on the pred which cleared it up after a few weeks and then they put me on 6mp...
DId the stool cultures a few times back when i first went in so they could rule out other things. I had the colonoscopy at the very tail end of my first flare 2 years ago and they said it was IBD-U which stands for undetermined. Meaning it could be chrons or uc but they couldnt tell (probably becuase the flare cleared up on its own). Either after 2 years my chart says i have chrons. 1 month ago they said (a few posts up) that my insurance wouldnt cover any biologics because it wasnt exactly determined what i had (UC or Chrons...based on the IBD-U status). Today i had asked how i can be put on biologics when it isnt covered. Then they say is because you have chrons. ??? Apparently it now says that in my chart. I am betting that someone changed it so that they would cover the drug. Very odd...
I just think it is very odd for someone who has never had an issue and has "flared" twice in their whole life and never been sick in the expected to inject themselves for the next 40 more years "just because".
I could see if i had this for many years and it was chronic. Maybe it will become that and they are trying to stop it. I Guess it just seems very strange to knee jerk prescribe life long drugs to a somewhat normal healthy person with no real heavy history of GI issues.
The fact that both flares for me happened in the dead of winter has me believing it has to be a balance in vitamin d or something like that. That does appear to be related in some cases. It has to be something unbalanced like low D levels, diet, environment.....something. You cant get me to believe that at some point my immune system (after 40 years) just decides to say......"hmm....whats that? A colon? Never heard of it......lets kill it"
That makes no sense. Yet...thats what seems to be the excuse or idea. The immune system thinks its a foreign invader and wants to destroy it like any bug or diease. The body just attacks it self. Thats like continually punching myself in the face to death and then saying......oh.....his arm thought his face was someone elses face....(im bad at analogies
I know people have it a lot worse than me for sure. I dont want to get to that stage or level and i tell you when i was flairing it was very very horrible and quite scary. seems very odd. I just want to make sure i am doing the right thing. I have to give thanks for this forum and its members. It has been great. Thank you.