I realise that logic and common sense fly out the window when people get hysterical and panicky.
Some wild tantrums being thrown
It does sound like a racist slur to try to claim that China is a 'primitive outdoor toilet'! The guy who wrote the blog was ranting about
the evils of socialism. It really was a ridiculously uninformed blog.
Chinese cities, where most people live, are advanced, modern, sophisticated and clean.
It is an upper respiratory virus. It spreads like other flu viruses,
People can certainly make suppositions about
'fecal' transmission. There are certainly reasons to avoid fecal contamination (other than coronavirus). However, upper respiratory infections are mostly spread through nasal, and oral droplets moving from one host to another. Sneezing, coughing and breathing in those air born particles are the main routes of infection (hence the masks). Hand-washing and avoiding contact with sick people is the main defense.
There is no need to create panic. There is no need to try to say that the Chinese have bad hygiene.
On the contrary, it seems that it is the 'clean' countries that have more cases! Even so, infection rates are still extremely low.
Interestingly, the virus seems to favor old people. Children seem to be ok.