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Extreme Fatigue Ulcerative colitis
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New Member
Joined : Jul 2015
Posts : 4
Posted 4/20/2016 1:12 PM (GMT -5)
I was diagnosed with UC April 2015 At I was a severe case so bad that they were going to take my colon,every since my diagnosis I've been extremely fatigued. So tired that I'm unable to do anything. All my life I've been high energy,skateboarding mountian biking,very active with my kids and over the last year I've been darn near in bed the whole time. Has anyone gone through this? It's really hard for me cause I have kids that are suffering,my kids are everything and they haven't had a Dad in a while. Please if anyone can help or give some advice I'd appreciate it.
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/20/2016 1:23 PM (GMT -5)
Chronic illness, wory about
illness, and some meds can all all to fatigue. But for me the main sources of fatigue were low iron (from so much bleeding) and poor absorption of vit-D.
Get your iron saturation, binding capacity, and ferritin levels checked as well as hemeglobin. Ask for an infusion if low - oral iron can cause nausea.
Take some vit-D, or get tested if covered. Add a lot if low.
good luck
p.s., it helps if you explain your meds and symptoms
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/20/2016 1:24 PM (GMT -5)
Have you had your blood levels tested? You could be vitamin deficient or anemic, maybe both.
Also if you were on Prednisone and didn't tapper slow enough then you may have some adrenal issues (withdrawal).
I get b-12 shots once a month, I usually get a good amount of energy afterwards.
You need to discuss this with your GI.
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Posted 4/20/2016 2:58 PM (GMT -5)
Sorry about
the fatigue issues you are having. That can be a huge problematic issue for me also. Somedays all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch TV. I'm to tired to do anything else. I hurt everywhere on those days.
It is odd in that of late in that I've been getting well most of the time to the stomach. The diet I'm on appears to be improving my condition. With that I have periods where I experience almost hyper energy. (It is probably normal energy for healthier people, but for me it's a hyper feeling. When the energy comes I just have to move.) Other times I can feel the gut is being irritated, and with that the old fatigue and aching returns.
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Posted 4/20/2016 3:11 PM (GMT -5)
Yes, other than when on high doses of prednisone, I spend a lot of time profoundly tired.
I feel like I sleep all the time.
I was feeling a lot better for a while.
Not so good right now.
I have no solution. Just sympathy.
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Posted 4/20/2016 3:21 PM (GMT -5)
Could also be an issue with the medications like Imuran. Some of these meds can make you very tired, especially if the dose is too high for your body.
Forum Moderator
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Posted 4/20/2016 8:29 PM (GMT -5)
I deal with this too. It's interesting though because I had the fatigue long before the UC. I have always been very active, but I struggle a lot to stay on my toes because I am so tired. I had surgery and while I feel better and I have less limitations so far as toilet concerns, I am still tired. I am not sure if you would have the same experience considering you're fatigue came at the same time as the UC diagnosis. Mine fatigue preceded my diagnosis by FAR.
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Posted 4/20/2016 9:47 PM (GMT -5)
Hi MrMoses. I had chronic fatigue for the last several years and spent much of this time in bed or on the couch. I had become a couch potato and my life revolved around rest, rest and more rest.
Sometimes being depressed about
illnesses such as UC can take it's toll on the mind and being constantly depressed and stressed out about
something can bring on fatigue. If so have a talk to someone regarding counselling/medication/meditation. Depression and chronic fatigue can sometimes be part of the same problem.
Are you in remission at the moment? Maybe consider FMT(fecal microbiota transplants) if you are or can achieve UC remission?
This year I started at FMT at home for my UC but I also found it had also alleviated all my fatigue amongst other things. I don't know whether it is something you may consider trying but it may be worth thinking about
if you can get your head around the whole idea of putting someone else's poop via enema into your bottom.
I think I have read somewhere a little while ago about
a university in Australia that is looking for volunteers regarding FMT and chronic fatigue sufferers. Some academic/researcher is definitely thinking about
a connection here whether it is right or wrong but I am learning that gut bacteria can affect us both physically and mentally.
You said you have children, so I am thinking they may be good candidates as donors for you if you wanted to try this. I am sure the kids will be more than happy to help you out with a gift to get their Dad back onto his feet and to be able to participate in activities with them.
I can't guarantee it will work but all I know is I am back to an active life that I haven't had in a very long time i.e years.
You can read my progress and of some others here.
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/20/2016 10:24 PM (GMT -5)
Hi just wanted to say you're not alone. I've been dealing with fatigue for years.
chris fletcher
New Member
Joined : Jun 2018
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Posted 4/23/2020 11:55 PM (GMT -5)
Are you experiencing fatigue or weakness? Then [spam] is the best solution. It is a synthetic derivative of thiamine (Vitamin B1).
Post Edited By Moderator (notsosicklygirl) : 4/24/2020 8:41:09 AM (GMT-6)
Regular Member
Joined : Jul 2017
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Posted 4/24/2020 7:31 AM (GMT -5)
Yes, I have fatigue. This is the most debilitating symptom for me. I have always been a tired person, but I used to weight lift and run, and I used to be able to go to work and then still visit with somebody after work or do some chores. Now I can only handle one activity a day, I’ve tried really hard to get back into it running or walking routine and I can I can start to for a few days sometimes and then I just hit a wall and need to rest for a few days. I have two adult daughters, and I have turned them down for lunch or coffee together because I’m too tired , Or one of them will come and talk to me, and I love being there for them and appreciate that they want to talk to me, but sometimes they can tell I’m just wanting to rest. I find all of this very frustrating, and I think about
what’s wrong with me all the time.Two things that I should work on harder, is bringing up my iron levels, and spending less time researching what’s going on in the world right now. My mind is constantly thinking and trying to solve problems. We also have inflammation in our bodies, which requires constant energy for healing. I still haven’t solve this puzzle. Part of the solution will be acceptance, more rest, and better treatment from diet and medicine.
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Posted 4/25/2020 4:10 AM (GMT -5)
hello. i felt the same but the predisone helped me in it...
i think important the diet, the meals and glutamin to me....
Regular Member
Joined : Jul 2017
Posts : 134
Posted 4/30/2020 8:52 AM (GMT -5)
As a dad, I to suffered from fatigue and decided to check my testosterone with my doctor. I too was an avid runner, workout guy full of energy and got UC and it was gone. Come to find out my testosterone low and I believe it’s from my IV infusions. I didn’t have any of the low T symptoms but we thought why not give it a shot literally. Started testosterone shots weekly and bam I was back full of energy working out and feeling great.
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