Posted 5/2/2020 3:42 PM (GMT -5)
Do you use a mouth guard at night? If not, I would recommend seeing a dentist for one. That will help protect your teeth from further damage. As far as sleep, I'm exactly where you are. Exhausted but not sleepy. difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep/easily woken, waking early, etc. I have been prescribed Ambien, but have never taken it, I've heard too many horror stories. I've tried melatonin which did nothing. Benadryl/diphenhydramine taken for more than 2 nights in a row keeps me awake. Doxylamine is what I take nightly. Don't think it helps all that much though. Depression and anxiety can cause sleep issues. Partly my problem I'm sure. I'm also in perimenopause and I know my out of whack hormones aren't helping. I use aromatherapy and heat therapy, not sure it helps but it isn't hurting. Make sure you have good sleep hygiene. Don't use electronics in bed, go to bed at same time every night, no heavy meals, alcohol, or vigorous exercise before bed, keep temperature in room lower at night. Add a white noise machine - some people report good luck with that. Practice mindfulness. This one is so difficult for me! I have always had one of those brains that is hard to shut off.