Ok. Update on Xeljanz. I am on day 12. My GI started me out with 5 mg in morning and night.
Urgency gone. 3 or 4 loose/watery moves a day…Spread out…morning to bedtime. about
half the nights so far I have made it through the night without having to get up to do diarrhea. I’m counting those nights in the updated report here when I say 3 or 4. No blood.
So. So far…as far as my opinion…Xeljanz has been wonderful.
Prior to Xeljanz. While figuring out the Humira wasn’t working for me any more, it was about
3 months of 7 to 10 moves a day with a LOT of sprints to the toilet. Urgency crazy. Almost afraid to leave my house.
It would just come on me like a wild fire. So. To be “urgency free” now? Hallelujah.
I did question my GI as to why he started me out on 5/5 and not 10/10.
And the answer is pretty much is what I expected. I’m paraphrasing…”switching you from 4 years of Humira…and I thought we would start slow with the Xeljanz….and see how you responded to a new biological drug. If things don’t tighten up by the end of next week. And you’re still doing well in terms of side effects I’ll move you to 10/10. I also had some concern if I started you on 10/10 that might be overpowering and I would would badly constipate you”.
He is also very aware of my allergic reactions to many drugs my whole life. Not related to UC. I’m sure this factored in.
One other note. Not that this is a side effect. But you’ve got to be aware of it. I’m 58. Male. 6 feet tall. 215 several months ago. “Big boned” my mother used to say. A good weight for me…when I feel I am at my best …is 200 or 205.
I think the Xeljanz has increased my appetite. I know I’ve been snacking more of late. I got on the scale this morning and I was 223. Ruh Roh. Starting a diet today. My metabolism still works well. Weight watchers type of diet works best for me. Low fat.
I’m not on prednisone now, but when I take that, I know for SURE my appetite greatly increases.
I think Xeljanz doesn’t make me as continually hungry as prednisone. But it does have an impact on me in that department for sure.
So, I would say if you start Xeljanz. Just be aware of this. I know many with UC struggle with keeping weight on. That’s never been a problem for me. I love to eat.
Post Edited (Rusty Barr) : 6/24/2021 10:36:21 AM (GMT-6)