This is going to be my last week on oral mesalamine. In Dec my doc said I could just stop it, but I was too nervous to do that so I have been tapering. In Dec I went down to 4 tablets, early Jan went to 3, late Jan went to 2. This week I had 8 tablets left in the bottle so I am doing 1 tablet every day (except 2 on Wed) just to get them used up. Next week will be the first time since I was diagnosed without oral mesalamine. So far everything is fine.
I think you will be fine on the taper the doc said to do ... or make up your own if you want to go faster or slower. It's not likely it's doing anything for you, but you never know. You can always add it back if you see any sign of UC. So glad Xeljanz is working so well for you!! Remission is wonderful