Posted 5/5/2022 8:57 AM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone -
Between doctors' appointments and packing up our home of 23 years for a 250 mile move... at least I'm not bored!
Pathology results show that this is a recurrence of the original cancer.
So, the game plan is that I am doing chemo again; slightly different mix of meds. The goal is to shrink the cancer so that eventually it can be removed surgically (and, OH, I'll end up with hysterectomy after all - they'll remove "anything" that could be the next place prone to the cancer cells taking root.)
So, chemo every 2 weeks; infusion at the facility for a few hours, and then I take home a canister for continued infusion over 46 hours. So I am carrying around this thing that looks like a cross-body bag (or tummy pack) with the gizmo in it, and have tubing up into my port. Last time I went through this, Dear Husband (the best!) learned to detach it and flush the port, so we could cut down on the bother of trips to the Doc. He'll do that again.
My first chemo was yesterday; detachment from this canister is tomorrow. This first time we'll go in so DH can have a refresher course in medical technology.
They're hoping for 4 months of this, but after 2 months (ish) I'll have a scan to check the progress of the cancer shrinkage. (Note: I am thinking positive here! I am not saying "if" it shrinks but "how quickly" it shrinks.)
The good news is that although the "grains of sand" are spread somewhat, they are in the same area (abdominal wall) and not on other organs (liver, lungs, etc.) And because this is 4+ years out, apparently this cancer has not been as aggressive as they might have otherwise thought.
I've decided to come back and continue at my present facility for the first 2 sessions after our move, just to buy some time so I can better research the possibilities there and have time to meet the docs. My oncologist here is totally open to doing whatever: I can simply enlarge my team and he'll work with them, or I can have infusions there and scans/evals here; or as he said, I might come to think so highly of the new team that I'll completely transfer.
The canister is a drug they used last time: 5 FU. I told the staff, at least I know what the FU stands for! Take that, you cancer cells! (Gotta keep laughing!)