Posted 12/13/2024 7:44 PM (GMT -5)
Beave, that makes sense and is something I will certainly ask my doctor about if it comes to that. Not that I’m a particular fan of going to every 4 weeks, but maybe better than alternatives. Maybe it would be temporary and I could go back to every 8 weeks if it kicks that inflammation?
Flowersgal, yes, I totally understand! I had not been under the care of a GI for about 7 years after my initial diagnosis. I had spent those years doing pretty well without medication (I’d liken it to IBS, which maybe I also have) until I got pregnant with my youngest. When I started to flare around 8 weeks, the first doctor I went to was a jerk and didn’t want to deal with someone who was pregnant so he referred me to the doc I ended up loving. She was great and got me on a good road during pregnancy and after when I flared again. I have been happy with the way Entyvio has worked for me overall and hope if there is still inflammation that we can take care of it in a way I’ll be comfortable with. I am a creature of habit and don’t like change. I would be thrilled with a pill vs. infusion but not if it carries more risk than my current meds. That’s what I’m hoping to avoid, especially because I am doing so well overall.
Old Hat, exactly! With the mag citrate prep, I never was able to get that second bottle down. The first time I flat threw it all up. The second time I prepared it as a jello but couldn’t attempt it. The third time I didn’t even buy the second bottle because my previous experience was that I was cleaned out just fine. When I have an issue it’s always diarrhea. I don’t seem to have a problem getting my colon clean! I guess I will just do as much as I can. I’ve really never completed a prep exactly as prescribed and haven’t had an issue so far.