LondonRed said...
I am depressed. Everytime I think I am in remission I get bright red blood in the tissue and a little on the stool and I freak out. I dont have diarrhoea but do have a lot of gas. I even go to the toilet and nothing comes out but gas! I have been eating a lot of fruit lately, could that cause it? I am having 2-4 BM's a day.
LondonRed, I have been experiencing some of the symptoms you have. Some bright red blood on the tissue but I've not been able to tell for sure if there is any on the stool, haven't noticed any, I have no diarrhea but have multiple bm's a day. This past Sunday I had 5 bm's, 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but only two yesterday and today. However, every time I have one I have rectal throbbing. I also at times a good deal of gas and nothing else.
I feel I am really raw and irritated down below and have either developed hemorrhoids or an anal fissure from going so much. Really bugs me.