To anyone who is on their last ditch effort to put your UC into this. I had tried it all...every class of meds for three years. I had tried four infusions of Remicade and had never had worse flares with such imense urgency, bleeding , diarhia (you know-just the typical signs and symptoms of a beutiful flare). I was meeting with a fabulous surgeon to discuss J pouch surgery, though was really toiling with the decision of moving forward with removing my colon. I felt there must be something within my power to help heal myself. I felt empowered by reading all the submissions on this amazing site and talked with my doctor about my Remicade infusions and asked if there was anyother dose I could try..."just for a laugh," I told him. He said I was on 5 mg and could try 10 mg, though he doubted it would do anything because the increased dose really just helps those who the drug already is effective for stretch the time between infusions. Well... I have had an amazing and 100% symptom free 5 weeks. I am on 5 mg prednisone having tapered aver a long period of several months from a higher dose and have remained on 5 mg for several weeks and still no signs of a flair. I was also still on prednisone when trying Remicade at a lower dose and didn't have anywhere near the same results and was unable to taper below 15 mg of prednisone without having some sign of a flare which only worsened as I continued to taper. I am so happy for taking the initiative to talk to my doctor about giving this a try. It's been the best month I've had in 3 years and I feel fabulous! I'm also eating the Specific Carb Diet to the best of my ability and taking probiotics. These things in combination seem to be doing the trick for me. I hope anyone reading this also feels empowered to do what is right for your health whatever that may be for you.
Wishing you the best of health,