supersaw said...
Judilyn said...
Pain is an interesting phenomenon. It really exists only in the brain. Your muscles or organs have inflammation, stretching, pulling, etc., but it doesn't become pain until the sensation reaches the brain and is interpreted. Because of this, it's a very individual thing. Two people could have exactly the same physiological situation, yet one would say their pain is a 1 and the other an 8.
Yea! This is how I dealt with a lot of pain, before it became too much. You could actually convince yourself that pain is just a feeling, and its not that big of a deal and can kind of avoid it.
Until you got like a broken bone of course, then it doesn't work anymore.
Um, yes, well...... I actually walked on a left leg with both tibia and fibula fractured for almost three months. It hurt, but since it was just above the ankle, I thought it was just my joint pain that I get with the UC (it actually is that bad sometimes.) By the time I got to the orthopedist with it, she had to re-break the leg and put a metal plate in it to hold the bone in the proper alignment. Good times......not!