I'm at the end of a hospital stay (hopefully) and feel like I'm getting the flare sorted with bout of IV Steroids. My GI has prescribed what has worked before (for me) and him. Effectively -
Hyracortisol on 4 X 100ml Itra V shots and an antibiotic (not sure if this is of any real help). I've been on the IV for 7 days tomorrow. Blood stopped v.quickly, mucus gone but still quite dysfunctunal bowel (water, solid , mush, etc). My previous flares are handled this way and usually after tapering with Oral Pred 40mg, reducing by 5 every 5 days. until Zero after hospital. I find this highish intensity attach gets me into remission and I try and stay there with ASA's.
I also take 3600mg Asacol (while flared and 2400 while in remission) and a pred enema for 2 weeks.
I'm left sided 43cm moderate to severe.
Is this typically how anyone else has dealt with UC moderate / severe flares over the years ? Needless to say I'd prefer to not have the steroids either but it gets me there and I've avoided any long term use.