I was informed today that: "You have reached at least 50% of the maximum allowable of the outpatient prescript
ion benefit under the student insurance plan.", upon calling today I learned that I have exactly $18.21 left of benefits
. Upon reading my student health plan my max per policy year is $1500. So...now I am in the market for a health insurance plan. I'm not exactly sure what the terminology is. So far i've narrowed it down to two health plans, Fallon and Haravrd Pilgrim Pulse Plan ( I live in MA). Here is the breakdown for the two plans and their perscript
ion drug benefits. What does 50% co-insurance after RX deductible mean? Example if I refill my lialda does that mean that i'll be paying half the cost? Ah...so confused.
Subject to deductible ยน |
No |
No |
Separate Rx deductible |
None |
$250 (for Retail Tiers 2 and 3 only) |
Retail drugs (up to 30 day supply) |
Tier 1 (primarily generic focused) |
$10 |
$15 |
Tier 2 (primarily preferred brand) |
$50 |
50% co-insurance after Rx deductible |
Tier 3 (primarily non-preferred brand) |
$100 |
50% co-insurance after Rx deductible |