IAC said...
There are many different strains of Lactobacillus Reuteri and many here have found it helpful. I tried different forms of L Reuteri and they were helpful but the one strain that worked head and shoulders best is Lactobacillus Reuteri (NCIMB 30242). That particular version was originally developed to help the cardiovascular system. I don't know if that is true, I haven't yet measured my cholesterol and blood lipids, but it sure helps with my UC.
This needs to be shared with the other members here, just like powdered psyllium seed. I had never heard of pseed before reading this forum. It turned out to be a game changer for me. Others feel the same way about
pseed, that it is a super supplement, e.g. JayG's recent thread on this subject. On the other hand many others in this forum found pseed to be useless, or even induce digestion problems.
As far as I am concerned Lactobacillus Reuteri (NCIMB 30242) is yet another wonder drug for me. Just like pseed I am sure it will not be helpful for everyone, but it might be worth trying.
I am allergic to mesalamines but with powdered psyllium seed and this special strain of L. Reuteri then who needs meds? (Hope I didn't just jinx myself). Of course I will continue with my other supplements, they all have been helpful, but these two are special.