Well its low caffeine, still drink decaf coffee.
Anyhow started diet on Dec 2nd, decafe coffee and decafe tea, no wine,no onions,still drink a little beer,no coke,or Balsamic vinegar.
Frozen shrimp seem to be ok, all I have read are packed with salt,and not sulfite.
Believe it or not stools have improved,now mostly solid, and long.
Went from going pasty mush many times a day to not going for 3-4 days, got worried about that so started metamucil again, now regular with close to/becoming normal stools.
I still shoot blood in the am though.
Tried this diet about 5 years ago when it came out, but probably only did no coffee, or no sulfite but not at the same time. Did not work.
I decided to revisit the diet after this thread was posted.
The other reason I decided to go off of caffeine is my son with the j-pouch says caffeine makes him loosebut he can drink all the decaf he wants,with no effect. He is a good testing ground since he has no colon.
This is a UK diet where they seem to have a lot of sulfite in many foods, do not believe we have too much here in the USA besides wine and possibly some sausage,dried fruit,instant potatoes.
The reason I am posting this is that I have not been in any kind of remission since 1986, and this is what I would call a big improvement. I ususally don't get too excited about any alternative anymore because nothing has worked for me,but this is doing something. I am actually kind of shocked, since I have had UC since 1980 did not believe my colon was capable of good quality sinker stools anymore.
Old Mike
Post Edited (Old Mike) : 2/10/2011 2:48:54 PM (GMT-7)