Posted 3/20/2011 4:38 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Q
I seem to be fine during the day. It just starts in the evening and runs through the night. No fever, just D, blood, and a build of cramping/naucous right before I need to go.
I took the Lomotil (2pills every 6 hrs) starting in the evening. It slowed things down but gave me constant tightening in my abdomen area causing me to walk slow and unable to stand for long periods of time. Still went to the bathroom about 6+ times but slept longer in between the episodes. It was as violent as before too. Didn't take it during the day and was fine.
The Bentyl was prescribed 1 pill every 8 hrs, but I really didn't need it during the day. Was able to hold the suppository for over 3 hrs during the day. Also there's less blood and discharge during the day.
I'll be following up with my docs tomorrow. Kinda strange to only effect me after 6am to about 7am. Is this the time your immune system kicks in? Didn't get many post on my earlier topic about it getting worst at night. Guess no one else had this experience.