Thought I'd start a new thread for this as I think it's important.
It has just been bought to my attention that many gluten/wheat free products have a high fibre content even though it's hard to spot it in the ingredients. I've just checked the Genius wheat/gluten free loaf that I've been buying for a few weeks and it says 'high in fibre' on it.
Potentially, this is a eureka moment for me!!
It also makes me feel like an idiot because I'd only looked at the ingredients and the 'gluten free', 'wheat free' wording on the packaging!! The ingredients don't really give any clues to high fibre content so I've definitely been caught out. Obviously, the market this company are aiming for is intolerance to gluten or wheat, not someone who shouldn't continually eat certain types of fibre.
My UC has been dragging on for much longer than normal and I've been asking myself what I am doing differently this time round. I'm now asking myself - have I found a reason why?
Compared to all previous flare-ups, the biggest difference with this one is that I've substantially changed my diet. Bread is something I eat virtually everyday and therefore, it makes sense to think it has a bearing on what's happening during this UC flare-up.
I'd be really interested to hear everyone's thoughts and experiences on this?
For the record - I'm going to buy 'normal' white bread as an experiment for a few weeks. In the past, this is something I had never changed during flare-ups. I'll let you know if this change leads to any positive changes. Fingers crossed.