byebye and bootstrap, i started raw foodism back in 2009 because i heard it could help my allergies, rhinitis, and asthma. i had very bad allergies and was reliant on a lot of meds for it. once i started, i was able to get off all my meds. that was my main motivation. i then read a book called 80/10/10 about
how fruitarians are like superhumans so i figured i'd try it out. i actually did well on the diet and was a beast- gained lots of muscle, awesome bloodwork, and started running cross country (was never able to run due to my asthma). i was even doing olympic powerlifting, swimming 3x a week, and teaching 3-4 fitness classes. as long as i ate enough (which was A LOT), i was able to get a perfect amount of protein from fruits (mainly bananas- they have a good amount) and greens for my body weight and all my nutrients. you are allowed nuts and seeds on the diet as well. the "30 bananas a diet" is just a gimmicky name for it but you definitely get a lot of variety.
i really had to work up to expanding my belly. i started with only being able to do 2 bananas and then just kept adding them. i have a vitamix blender and it can fit a lot of fruit. greens are very important on the diet. it was normal for me to eat 1 lb a day.
i'd say the suckiest things about
the diet were:
1. nobody i knew ate like that so everyone was always calling me joanna banana
2. i did this diet in college so commuting with that much fruit weighed a lot
3. when there were only green bananas at the store!! ahh the horror!!
4. i could never go out to eat (but i don't really now anyways either)
5. oddly, i was constipated a lot and could not understand why
in the end, i had to stop the diet because i started to flare. i had been diagnosed with UC years before this diet, but it doesn't help to eat this much fiber when flaring. i ended up just going back to cooked vegan and now paleo. it's weird but i do miss eating that way. my fitness levels were insane and i did feel like a superhuman (besides the stupid constipation).
ahh found one of my old powerlifting pictures!!¤t=powerliftingclass.jpg