curl3d said...
When reading more about Wendy Garrett, I found this:
I find this really really interesting.
Article said...
These microbes were identified by Russell L. Blaylock, MD and Daniel C. Dantini, MD more than a decade ago. But their studies and books have been ignored or labeled controversial by the industry because their books identify the causes of these bacteria microbes as coming from genetically modified foods and the dangerous addictive chemicals added to packaged foods by food manufacturers.
The study alleges that an “individual’s genetic background influences what bacteria reside within his or her intestine.” Senior author Laurie Glimcher, the Irene Heinz Given Professor of Immunology at HSPH said, “Whether IBD is caused by individual species of bacteria or disruptions of entire microbial communities remains controversial.” It only remains controversial because of the political might of Monsanto to silent or dilute its critics.
To any Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis and IBD sufferer who has been diagnosed with malignant colon cancer, it is neither controversial nor disputed. We all have a genetic predisposition. The question is what activates the genetic disposition in people with family histories of digestive diseases. Growing evidence points to the bacteria remaining in the digestive track after eating genetically modified foods.
Thirteen years of research, reading more than 4,000 books, articles and studies and writing four health books with my co-author, Ashley F. Brooks, led us to a different conclusion. The conclusion is supported by more than 600 studies from independent scientists and researchers.
The genes of genetically modified foods are split with the E. coli bacteria, Bt toxin and other “gene promotors” that leave the bacterium’s residue in your gut that causes IBD, IBS, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. It didn’t get there by accident. The statistical increase in digestive diseases and colorectal cancer can be directly traced to the creation of genetically modified foods and the addition of dangerous addictive chemicals in packaged foods.
The effects of genetically modified fruits and vegetables, factory farmed meats and addictive chemical additives, such as MSG, high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin and others, caused one author to be diagnosed with malignant colon cancer.
Even after surgery, the Crohn’s, IBD and ulcerative colitis continued and actually got worse until one author stopped eating the genetically modified foods and any product containing chemical additives in what the manufacturers described as “healthy” foods.
Factory farmed beef, pork and poultry come from animals kept in confined pens, shot-up with Bovine Growth Hormones (animal steroids), fed on genetically modified corn (not their natural food) and given antibiotics in their food daily. The animals are kept in pens that are knee deep in urine soaked manure that have contributed to so many of the food recalls in the past three years. Cows fed on GMO corn dies in 140 to 160 days unless slaughtered sooner. The bacteria in the GMO corn feed kills them.
In the case of beef, the dangers have reached a level where hamburger producers put ammonia into their hamburger to stop the spread of E.coli. Double cheese ammonia burgers? Well, that is what America is eating at fast food chains.
The fact is that all of the Harvard teaching facilities, researchers and hospitals are so politically and financially attached to Big Food companies that they are unwilling to attach any cause or blame to their largest financial benefactors. For example, Big Food employees sit on boards of several medical schools including Harvard and the Tufts University School of Nutrition. Corporate incest is rampant in the medical schools across the country.