Hello All,
I was wondering what the "normal" recovery time after total colectomy is. I had surgery ending with an illeostomy on 9/17. I was a bit pooped (winded), but after about 3 weeks my windedness progressed t o the point that getting up too quickly would almost make me dizzy. My heart rate's a bit faster than usual. Doctor's say no concern with surgery, heart good, but have some sort of pneumonia that I'm being treated for. After 4 weeks at home, I tried to work at office, but couldn't stick out long -- just too whipped out. I've been told it could be stress although waking in the night and thinking I'd black out or get dizzy does not strike me as nerves/stress. Surgeon's office said that since I was sick with UC for good period before surgery and trying to lead a normal life) that it might take longer to recuperate. Some think I'm just weak, don't have the will to get well. I resent that. Appreciate any feedback. I pray for the best of everyone here. Thank you.