Well, I've been going downhill for a few days. Found out my GI was on holidays and two attempts to see my family doctor didn't work. Last night I was seriously worried about
toxic megacolon. I hadn't passed any real stool all day, just blood and poop residual every time I took a drink. Sooo tired, chills. My BP was 92/60. I was so hungry at suppertime last night, I went and got myself some sushi because it was the only thing that sounded appetizing. Well, I was up and down all night, by the time 7 o'clock came around I had been to the toilet(mostly sharting, but a few times it was a bit more)14 times since midnight. Between 7 and 8 I had actual bowel movements which completely exhausted me but I was relieved, I felt I could dismis the toxic megacolon.
So I took a couple of naps between showering, toileting and getting dressed. I was so tired that I figured I'd better haul off to emerg before I collapsed. I was in tears with exhaustion just getting down there but I did it. Thankfully emerg wasn't busy and I was in and out in 2- 1/2 hours. (I had blood work, urine sample and given a stool sample kit to do at home...plus a script
for prednisone.
Back on the couch at home, I got a call finding out that my well water has a high coliform count! Crap...I never suspected that. I have a complete water system with UV light and filters that's maintained every six months/ UV light is replaced once a year.
It's a roundabout
reason why my water got tested which I won't go into, but I'm not supposed to need to test it, so here I am with UC and sicker than a dog, and I might be putting contaminants in my body from my really expensive tap water.
So it's possibly a good news/bad news story.
I'm experiencing the urgent sharts with every sip of clear juice I drink. I'm just hoping the dehydration is keeping at bay. I should just stick with clear fluids for a couple of days, but I need something to put in the stool sample bottles so I can know for sure if I'm being 'poisoned'.
I have to read about
the prednisone thing so I can decide if I should take it now or risk waiting it out. I'd appreciate input on that.