Well I'm going on vacation and why do I do this to myself? It's been a nightmare every since I was dx with UC 6 years ago. I'm going to try so hard and not complain to my BF about
anything bothering me. I'm going to try and just have a fun time! I don't want to ruin his time either. He can drink like a fish and I will be the responsible one I don't care I just don't want to stop his fun. I don't even know of a drink that wouldn't aggitate the gut?
I'm f-in scared to wear depends, what if they search me in the airport line? I would die of embarrassment saying I'm wearing depends! Maybe I can put them on after I get through the line, but being anxious in the line makes me go. Urgh!
I picked seats closest to the bathroom in the back of the airplane!
I'm really going to be on a clean diet between now and then, and take my rectal meds every night. I just want to relax and not worry, so hard to do for me.
I always feel better when I take pepto bismal so I will have that on hand, it calms my whole stomach down. Wish me great success!