I have been using Prep H on the hemmies and also A&D Ointment just on my bottom in general since the scope. They seem to be helping but this hemmie must be huge as it even hurts to sit! It's been a very long time since I've had one this bad. I am positive it isn't a fissure though as there is no burning when I have a BM. I'm not having cramping anymore, in fact I'm starting to be constipated now. I guess not surprising as those biopsy sites are probably healing and causing a bit of constipation. At least all that air in me seems to be gone now as the bad pain in my back and sides seems to be going away. I think as time goes on and I keep taking my VSL and Metamucil my BMs will get back to normal. And maybe start my protein shakes back up tonight as they seem to also help regulate my BMs. Probably because they are whey protein. I did a light workout last night too and felt much better this morning, probably helped get more air out.
I actually always only do the enemas at night right before bed, and only lie on my left side after I do them. I never sit up or anything after doing them. When I take the one during the day I do the same - only lie on my left side although then its just for an hour.
I have had the swollen lymph node back when I had that endocervical pre-cancer that I had to get cut out. My lymph nodes were swollen I think for almost a month during that whole episode. For some reason the ones in my groin are just so sensitive.