Hi Everyone,
So its been a while since my last post and really the main reason for that is because ive been doing better than ever. Ive been out doing the things i love such as football, gym, squash, running swimming and going on nights out with the lads, i thought i would post because i remember when i was doing to great the posts i used to look out for where the ones from people who had success trying different sources. Negative, depressing posts dont interest me.
Anyway sorry for rambling, i have kept a UC diary since i was diagnosed and its just full of bad days, bad week etc but for the last 3 month since i made suppliment changes i can safely say (knock on wood) i am in remission and i think the key changes i have made are taking at least 1.5 grams of fish oil per day (capsules) , 1 gram of L glutamine (tablets)before i go to bed on an empty stomach and a calcium vitamin D suppliment.
I still take my meds prescribed which is 150mg of Azathaprine and one sachet of Salflak daily, but ever since i have introuduced these l-glutamine and fish oils its asif they are just kicking the inflammations arse and giving my gut chance to heal.
I know its horses for courses and every one is different but thats whats working for me if your in a bit of a rut give it a try..
Happy christmas.