YoungmanUC said...
I am really scared to start it and i actually dnt want to start it if i can get remission through steroids in the long run.
You can't stay on steroids long term and the sooner that you get off them the better, they have so many side-effects both short term and especially long term. IMO Steroids are the worst/most harmful of all the types of medications given to UC patients. The biologicals are generally much safer than steroids and they are well studied meds, yes they are newer and they do have potentially more serious side-effects but that almost never happens. FYI, Steroids are also immunosurpressents.
I was having a conversation with my GI one day about
how well Remicade worked for me until it stopped and how disappointed that I was with Humira because it really didn't do anything for me. He said that they weren't sure why Remicade worked so well for UC compared to Humira but he said that it's hard to compare the two because maybe it has to do with most people with UC start on Remicade and since it is first used then any biological afterwards may have diminishing returns due to antibodies and previous use of anti-tnf meds. It was pure speculation on his part but it was a conversation that we had and it kind of made sense to me.