Posted 7/31/2014 12:36 PM (GMT -5)
Dr. Taylor-Herman discusses this aspect in his video as well.
I believe the same applies to AIEC (Adherant Invasive Escherichia Coli), which is the other or perhaps secondary bacteria implicated.
When I first decided to try the WOO/Thyme approach, I based it on three things: 1) Using WOO/Thyme as hopefully a substitute/alternative to antibiotics 2) Asking my GI for a prescription for Azathiaprine 3) Adding RS to try and strengthen the mucus barrier.
Azathiaprine has also been shown to induce "apoptosis" in macrophages, so in my mind I wanted this to take away their breading grounds.
If any of the above actually occurred... who the heck knows. But over time it did bring substantial relief/remission from a 12 year battle. I chalk it up to luck.
On a Ulcerative Colitis Specific Side Note:
If you can tolerate it, the combo of both 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) and azathioprine (AZA) together has been shown to work well in Ulcerative Colitis. I asked my GI if he would prescribe this initially but he said they only use this method for UC and not Crohn's and wanted me to see how just the Aza went first.