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Thoughts on this diet by Dr. J Fuhrman
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Regular Member
Joined : Mar 2010
Posts : 71
Posted 4/10/2015 9:13 AM (GMT -5)
Hi all, would like to get your thoughts on this doctors suggestions for recovering from colitis. Has anyone come across the article, applied his dietary suggestions?
Thanks all.
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/10/2015 9:53 AM (GMT -5)
I will read it later but that is the dr that wants people to eat a pound of veggies a day, if i were healthy it would be ok, but it would kill me today!
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/10/2015 10:24 AM (GMT -5)
It's a total crock. First, it is from 2008, which is seven years old. If it were the magic cure it would be well known by now. Second, there is much outdated and flat out wrong information in the article so it is hard to believe a word of it when you know how outdated and wrong several statements are (I lost count very early on and confess I couldn't make it to the end). I'm not saying that this approach won't work on anyone because certain people have success doing certain diets but more than likely you will be wasting your time trying this. If you have the time to waste then give it a shot but don't go into it too optimistically. I honestly believe he is lying when he says it has helped many of his patients.
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Posted 4/10/2015 10:41 AM (GMT -5)
If you're looking for a more gut friendly diet you should see a dietitian, I finally did due to also having IBS-C alternating and she has crohn's herself and told me that once we get my IBS issues under control and we figure out what my triggers are for causing my IBS to behave badly that she'll incorporate a basic diet that will also aid me for any future crohn's flares. She started me on the low FODMAP (no fructose) diet for the next 4-6 weeks and I just started it on Monday of this week and I already see some great improvements, I no longer have painful constipated stools that are difficult to try and pass multiple times a day, I still have frequency but it's only been 5 days and I feel better than I have in the last 24 years since getting sick with CD and around 13 or so years ago developing IBS as a result of my CD flare being so severe and continuous (I'm finally in remission from Humira with my CD after 24 yrs of being in a constant flare between moderate and severe, likely thanks to the IBS complicating things) Apparently 20% of severe CD patients end up developing IBS as well due to the stress and probably poor diet, of dealing with severe IBD. That's why it kinda makes me mad when people say they don't believe in IBS or they don't believe an IBDer can ever have IBS and IBD because it does happen and it is real. My CD was different when I first became sick before I developed my IBS, I could tell there was a difference but couldn't quite put my finger on it because so many symptoms between the two are similar enough and when they overlap one another that can make it even in essence I and my GI believe that once I developed the IBS as well it made the CD that much worse or at least made my bowels behave that much worse and is maybe why I didn't respond well to any meds they tried on me over the years. And, IBS just like IBD is also very individual that is also a fact not fiction.
When I finally was told my IBD was in remission I was dumbfounded because I sure didn't feel like it was, not completely anyway so when I asked my GI what he hell then, why do I still go frequently and why am I struggling with constipation (still able to usually pass something and sometimes a lot but with great difficulty and pain) and he said that it was the IBS not my crohn's which made perfect sense. I never thought that I'd be so miserable when I finally got to here the words I never thought I'd hear (you're in remission) but thanks to stupid IBS being the reason why and discovering that diet and stress plays 2 huge rolls with IBS...I don't know if I was still in shock or if it took this long to sink in but I finally called the dietitian and it's already made a big difference, now I just have to see how therapy for what this has all done to me emotionally can help get some stress in my life out. After all, I too started to wonder if others were right in saying the things they say about
not likely that a patient could have both conditions, well I'm proof that it does happen.
Also, she's not saying that it's any kind of miracle diet that will prevent future crohn's flare ups but that it will be a diet that consists of foods that are anti-inflammatory and will likely ease up future flares so that I can hopefully handle them better and possibly not get so severe. I'm sure that with me having both IBD and IBS the combo made a worse impact on each of my conditions since they are two separate entities but happen to be similar with some symptoms. She said there is really no major proof other than eating a poor diet not consistent and not the right kinds of anti-inflammatory foods regarding food and IBD flares like there is with IBS but that naturally if you're eating a healthy well rounded diet that consists of enough anti-inflammatory foods that it has proven to be beneficial with easing up some symptoms with future IBD flares, especially if I can keep my IBS under control.
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/10/2015 1:17 PM (GMT -5)
Fuhrman is part of the vegan circle that includes Campbell (China study author), Esselstyn, McDougall. They advocate a strict no-nonsense vegan diet. While their intentions are good, I feel that what they are suggesting is harmful in the long run, as it leads to deficiencies in vitamins A, D, E, K, b12 and are the precursor to many health issues, colitis included.
I've never believed it is the optimal diet because it is missing components that heal the gut. For example, the only source of vitamin A is retinol (only found in animal sources), since beta carotine has poor conversion ratio to retinol.
Veteran Member
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Posted 4/10/2015 2:35 PM (GMT -5)
Dr Fuhrmans office is in the town I live in. I went to see him back before I had j pouch surgery when I was in a horrible flare. HE'S NUTS plain and simple. The diet was impossible to follow. It was juicing veggies which I couldn't tolerate at all he applies the same diet to any affliction that he comes across. I wasted a TON of money. Don't bother in my opinion.
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