This is my first post on here so bear with me...
In 2012 I started having GI issues, starting with terrible constipation then lots of diarrhea. Went to GI doc and got a colonoscopy stating I had an unspecified intestinal infection and was put on asacol. I got better, but still not completely better. I was taken off asacol.
Issues still unresolved. I was told I had Celiac, then told I didn't have Celiac. I cut out gluten and dairy but still felt sick.
In August of 2014 I had major rectal pain so I went to a new GI (because I had previously been to a pediatric doctor but was now over 18) and told I had a fissure. Had another colonoscopy which revealed I had ulcers and inflammation in my colon, but no UC or Crohns. I was put on canasa which did help a lot, but pain never fully left.
two months ago I went to a colorectal surgeon because I believed I had hemorrhoids I wanted to get removed. She told me I had a bunch of skin tags that looked like IBD so she had some removed and biopsied and yet again, no diagnosis just proctitis. I was put on Rowasa (mesalamine enema) which has really helped.
So I go to a new GI doc and she is confused by all my symptoms (bloating, diarrhea, pain especially in my rectum) and thinks it is IBS but is confused by all these medicines for IBD have been helping me/helped me in the past.
She wants to do another colonoscopy to see what's going on and possibly get a diagnosis and suggested I go on an antidepressant to see if it helps my symptoms.
My question is... Should I get the colonoscopy? I had one in Aug. of 2014 and had no IBD. I guess my fear is I will get my hopes up that something is actually wrong with me and it's not all in my head only to be told I'm perfectly fine. Also what should I do? Has anyone else experienced this? It has really been difficult for me these past three years and am willing to try anything