Its been a while since I posted here and thats because Ive been doing pretty good! I had my symptoms mostly under control with meds. Currently taking mesalazine suppositories regularly, one at night, sometimes in the morning (If I dont poop them out again straight away... funny how I can say that sort of thing here!). However, within the last month or two Ive had symptoms creep up on me even tho I was pretty good with my meds.
Ill give a little history. I know that if I miss one dose I get symptoms within a week, but then a week of being really good, Im back to no symptoms. Over this summer my teenage daughter needed emergency brain surgery and that required me to travel and stay with her in hospital for a week plus. Stress, coupled with a couple of missed doses, to be expected. She's recovered well, for the most part but its still pretty stressful, she's still not 100% and we're finding out what her weaknesses are still as a result of the surgery. So, even tho I dont feel stressed, Im coping well my body must be registering all this stress in the way it knows how, flaring up.
I cant seem to get this flare up under control. Ive been really good with my meds, Im eating well (vegan, lots of good, whole foods tho, not junk food vegan). Usually if it gets this bad Ill switch my meds up and use the rectal foam. Did that for two weeks and thought it was clearing up, but there was blood again this past week. I dont take oral meds bc they've never worked for me as well as the rectal meds. I have proctitis. Havent had a scope in a good few years, in the UK they dont do them if you are doing well (nhs bs). I visited my gastro last week when I thought my flare up was under control again and since them symptoms have gotten worse. She may well put me forward for a scope.
I think I just wanted to talk about
it. I came here wanting to ask for advice, but Im not even sure what for. I think I already know what you guys will say. I want to ask other's experiences with meds, stress like I mentioned we've been thru, etc. Has anyone experienced a time when you're usual med routine and dosage stopped working? I had been doing so well and thought I had it down, and now this.
I hate this illness but Ive accepted it as part of my life. I just hate it when it throws me curveballs like this, when Ive got so much else going on, the last thing my family needs is me unwell on top of it! Its the last thing I need! When Im looking after everyone else and I get unwell like this. Symptoms for me include extreme exhaustion, as well as the other usual bloody, crapty symptoms.
vent over. Thanks for reading if you've read this far.