Posted 10/7/2016 12:36 PM (GMT -5)
Generally speaking, boosting your immune system while concurrently surppressing it with immunomodulators is undesirable and also counterproductive. If you believe ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disorder then our immune system is our enemy, as it's attacking self. So, we're trying to make that immune system less potent, not more so.
If, however, you turn that on it's head and say ulcerative colitis is an immune deficiency (meaning our immune system is somehow incapable of thwarting an attack, that becomes perpetual as a consequence) then smartly boosting just the specific area where we're lacking would foil the invaders/baddies and stop the need for that attack (be them immune-resistant MAP, fungal or whatever). I believe I read something about cancer treatments where that's done, they reprogram a patient's immune t-cells to destroy a specific cancer present within their body. If we understood the mechanisms underlying uc then perhaps something like that might someday be possible for us (lots of big ifs and assumptions on cause here heh). And that's hardly over the counter Walgreen's purchase (uber customized, as they dna sequenced a cancer cell within a patient, modified a patient's t cells, and put them back in the body).
Not sure what they're recommending, maybe vitamin C? Oddly enough, didn't someone do a crazy dose and claim remission? Uc is just so darn weird that anecdotal exceptions in forum posts do occasionally pop up lol.