Just started to look at this.
Inhibitors of adhesion so far that we can get are Danactive with a particular strain of L casei
DN-114 001 , but cant
seem to find Danactive at any store sites anymore, did they stop selling it. Still seems to be on the
Dannon site. There are some old threads on Danactive, but not much.
Also cant seem to find that strain anywhere else.
Also genistein, which you can get as a supplement, but it may be estrogenic.
Many strains are also mannose resistant.
One mechanism they use is that they are highly hydrophobic, which lowers their surface charge
thus repulsion. Have to look at that more.
Always thought AIEC was just involved with crhon's, from this perhaps not.
maltodextrin seems to promote it as does polysorbate 80, there is also a seaweed compound
that repels it.
Old Mike