OK, I need to rant here. I KNOW that many of you have experienced being told “it’s all in your head” “maybe if you changed your diet??” “it’s due to the stress you are under” or even the accusations that you are FAKING your illness. etc etc etc
I have had a friend tell me that I should “try meditation” (I did, for pain management, which was helpful but it did not resolve my UC) and say things like “if you were in a better relationship you would probably not have IBD” or even suggest it is “only” IBS or the symptoms are all due to stress.
As if we could “fake” having a white cell count off the charts, constant bloody and mucusy diarrhea. total loss of appetite and incredibly rapid weight loss. We have certainly experienced stress and while it can make ANY illness worse, it is certainly NOT the cause. I believe UC is an immune disorder and/or micribiome abnormality or imbalance. There also have been many genes strongly associated with IBD, and yes, while the cause still seems to be a mystery it certainly is NOT IN OUR HEADS.
I mean really. To add insult to injury this person is a very needy and I would refer to him as the King of Hypochondria. Not to mention, having had UC for 20 years now, I have tried just about
anything and every diet and every supplement etc etc as I know many of you have as well.
thank you for allowing me to rant