Have you gone to the ACA website and put in all your financial info and made sure you aren't eligible for very low cost insurance? (hope this is not upsetting to ask but deadlines are right now).
The bottom line is that a colonoscopy is needed to make a definite diagnosis to determine what you have. "Colitis" can mean something temporary but "ulcerative colitis" is not temporary and needs RX treatment ongoing basis.
If ER did not do a colonoscopy for you (most will not) it is possible to have a screening colonoscopy done which is free but once you are diagnosed with either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's we don't get free scopes. My non-UC husband had his c-scope done free but I have t pay for mine. Weird system but those are the rules made by lawmakers and insurance companies.
Sounds like you do not have a UC/Crohn's diagnosis yet so no GI will prescribe meds for it and they are expensive unless you have better insurance than I have (I have high deductible and pay for almost everything).
What you can try is: probiotics (you are doing that) but you may have to try a couple to find the one(s) that suit your gut. Diet modification helped me tremendously, much more than RX meds did, but that took a lot of time/effort to figure out what my gut did not want me to eat. Search the net for information about
the SCD/Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It will be a good start. Paleo Diet also works for some people. Going gluten/grain free and lactose (milk) free also helps many people.
Hope this helps. And hope your diagnosis is "colitis" not "ulcerative colitis". Search the net to understand the difference. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's are a lifetime disease but colitis can be short-term.
Post Edited (imagardener2) : 12/15/2016 4:36:13 PM (GMT-7)