DBwithUC said...
what answer did you take? it seemed to me it was a definitional mess.
@ DB, I actually took what quincy mentioned from it.....inflammation is inflammation and as such, poses a risk of either becoming more intense or leading to colon cancer----and my true aim should be inflammation free, as opposed to "mild" ......any form of inflammation has the potential to spark into something worse.
@ quincy, yeah....I am ticked to find out that all of these little details like probiotics and ginger tea combined with the meds haven't been enough to eradicate that inflammation.
It makes me wonder if I've ALWAYS had it......even during the 8 years I thought I was disease-free?
Then my mind goes to, well if that's the case......maybe it never would progress? and maybe a mild version of inflammation CAN be controlled with dietary and behavioral changes?
It's such a guessing game. And usually with choices one seems much better than the other, but in this case with "the butt ruling"......there isn't a clear better option.
If combatting inflammation is the goal, then stepping up into something that could kill off all existing inflammation almost seems wise......at least short term? IDK.
@ iPoop, that's the plan.
For now and into the foreseeable future I guess I'll just stick with what I'm doing and see her when the biopsy results are in. Maybe that'll shed more light? thanks you guys .