Posted 11/18/2017 12:55 PM (GMT -5)
I don't know how much access you have to other doctors, but I would suggest consulting with a colorectal surgeon before I let anyone do any cutting. If you stick with the general surgeon(s) I'd pick their brains a bit more on how familiar they are with inflammatory bowel diseases and whether or not they've ever performed procedures on patients with UC/Crohn's and the likelyhood of healing or complications in those cases. If you don't like their answers then move on.
A CRS will be experienced with surgery in the context of IBD and could better advise you if you do, in fact, have thrombosed hemorrhoids or something else going on, like an abscess etc. They will also be more familiar with success rates of intervening in the case of someone with Crohn's or Colitis during a flare vs. not in a flare. I seem to recall my CRS saying he wouldn't touch hemmorrhoids at all. A friend of mine had surgery on a thrombosed hemmie and he said it hurt like hell. I went through a couple procedures on an abscess/fistula and none were pleasant, unfortunately. I was not flaring at the time and I am glad of that since bowel movements were hell for a couple days. Good luck.