Tapered from 40mg to 30mg last Wednesday, so been there for about
a week now. Hands and feet still hurt, but not as much. Getting crazy leg cramps when sleeping (started a calcium & D3 supplement, and am tracking my potassium intake as a result). I think I am getting a little moon face, too, which I am not surprised since all I do is crave sugar. Symptoms also returning at 30mg.. At 40mg my only bowel-related complaint was that I was a bit constipated, which hey, I can deal with. In the past week, the blood has come back and at first I thought it was maybe hemmies because of the constipation, but nope, it is back in full force now and way too much to be the hemmies. Frequency is also increasing, though my stools are still solid. E-mailed my GI and waiting for a response.