Nowadays and before this time i was thinking a lot about
what can be the real root cause of the UC.
Ok i know that it sounds stupid that i can relaize what is the cause of this illness, and there are lot of doctor and resarcher who can not find the root cause and why me could find the root cause.
Ok i can not find but i can have theory....
i think we are a little bit better position than the doctors to understund our body, our symptoms. And we live together with this ilness long time ago.
So in tgis way maybe we coould determine maybe what can be the cause,
It sounds stupid, but i belive that we can help to the doctors with our invidual ideas to find the right medicines and so on...
I hope u understand me (because my poor english)
So i read a lot of in this topic...i read every new articles every new medicine and usualy my knowledge is up to date.
So novadays i am thinking about
maybe it cause a bacterium or virus or parasite and our immunsytem give an answer for this problem.
And not the immunsystem give a wrong answer and attack my body but immunsystem attack the bacteria or virus.
And a virus attack our bowel because our immune system is too weak( because of the big stress or antibioticum killed most of the usefull bacteria and so on)
So the immune system can not give the strong enough response for the attack which come from bacteria or parasite and make inflamination in our bowel. Because our immune system is too weak...
So maybe this is the root cause.
I Think it because of more things...
I eat lopedium (immodium) its effect is very very good for me and can recover me if i have bad days.
Maybe because as i know it kill the bad bacterial?
The antibiotiotics medicines can not kill every parasites, and viruses and the other which can make inflamitaion.
And there are lot of expereriences which say that antioxidant pill and meals could help regarding the decreasing of the symptoms.
So...maybe it cause bacterial viruses or similar things?
And we should focus for the taking lots antioxidant thing because our immunesystem is too weak because of some causes....(stress, antiobiotics and wrong meals and wrong eating killed our usefull bacterium in our bowel therefore our immunesystem can not work in normal way)
Therefore parasite or bacterials can inflame our bowel...