Posted 1/20/2020 8:51 AM (GMT -5)
My flare is starting to wind down. CRP is in the green, no more bleeding, and having BMs 5-6 times a day and going down as the weeks go by. The main thing I'm struggling with right now is bowel thickening. My stools are mostly solid but when they hit my sigmoid area, the only way to get them out is to really push. My latest CT scan shows the bowels have thickened quite a bit this flare. For me, the thickening effect goes away after months and then my BMs become a lot more normal looking. Until then, they have sort of a ribbony appearance. I know this is inflammation.
My question is, is there anything I can take to help heal this thickening faster? I can't do rectal meds of any kind or enemas so please don't suggest those. Even plain water causes instant irritation and that turns to bleeding, mucous and a whole other slew of problems. I've never been able to figure out why, but my body totally rejects rectal everything.
In my last flare, I tried something called StrictureHeal by this woman Jini Patel. It used DMSO, iodine, and other ingredients I forget. She said to start off with a 20% dilution, but I did 5%. It ended up burning my rectum and kicking my flare back into high gear. A friend of mine with Crohn's used the same stuff and was able to repair her rectal stenosis... so the stuff can work for some people, but my rectum just ain't havin' it!
So is there something oral I could take to help that healing along? Someone told me recently that taking a lot of collagen in my diet or as a supplement could help. Someone else said MSM and hyaluronic acid because they are commonly used for scars. Someone else said aloe juice, but the only time I tried that it was pretty laxative???
I am open to ideas. The thickening is actually quite painful as solid stool moves through there. On the plus side, no incontinence! The narrowing caused by the thickening combined with solid stool means that nothing is going to accidentally come out unless I push.
Any suggestions would be helpful!