My next Entyvio infusion is on 4/22 and I'm nervous as well. My treatments are done at my gastro office, but they haven't been very proactive about
communicating with us patients about
their covid19-related procedures which is making me that much more uneasy. If I wouldn't have spoken to a nurse when having a bad flare a few weeks ago, I wouldn't have known about
the parking lot check-ins, or anything!
This will be Entyvio infusion #5 for me. I still haven't seen a whole lot of improvement yet. That isn't helping convince me that venturing out for treatments is even worth the risk, but I'm committed to staying the course for now.
I plan to wear a mask, long sleeves, pants, and maybe a hat or head scarf when I go in. Great suggestions to take extra clothes/shoes for after! Hmm...I may dress in thin layers and then just shed them at the car.
Here's hoping we all have healthy infusions!