I got my 2nd dose of Pfizer this AM. So far no side effects. With the 1st shot my arm hurt more than this time. As strange as it might sound I am sorta hoping I get some mild reactions. That would tell me my immune system is working for sure. When I got my 1st shot they told me the vaccine might not work because of the immune suppressant med I am on (Remicade). They also told me that most people don't have any reaction so you can't judge the effectiveness by whether you have a reaction.
Seems like most of the stories about
getting sick after the 2nd shot were from Moderna. That's the one I would have like to have gotten but you don't get to pick which one you get.
I'm just relieved that I am fully vaccinated now. Going to make some appts in a couple weeks for things that I have put off ... dentist, eye doc and hair salon -- newly cleaned teeth, new glasses and a new do! Woo hoo!!