Posted 3/20/2021 7:35 AM (GMT -5)
Help me understand if this is a flare!
After managing a months-long flare last year, I finally got to the point where things were calm. My problem is that my flares have appeared about annually since 2017. Mucus and gas are the first signs of a flare. Most come under control with mesalamine enemas. Last year I needed a 7-day course of steroids to get me to the point where the enemas could start to work. The concern my GI and I have is, is the Humira really working if I need to be doing the enemas so frequently. My last contact with my GI before she left the practice was, “Keep monitoring the gas, call me if you get worse and we’ll get you in for a colonoscopy before I leave.” (I was still complaining of stinky and uncomfortable gas and very mild and occasional mucus, but nothing terrible.) However, I actually improved a bit in terms of gas and the mucus cleared up. My appointment with a new GI is in May.
For the past two months the gas has been bad, but no mucus. I’ve had really normal BMs (heaven!) and zero urgency. Four weeks ago I’d had enough with the gas so I changed my diet to see if I could make it better (limited dairy, no beans, cut back on some processed food, started Phasyme pills). It kinda worked - I had some days of zero symptoms. Last Sunday, boom, diarrhea out of the blue. Crazy gurgling noises after lunch. And it hasn’t stopped. I’ve had some small formed BMs but it’s most liquid. Gas still here, smell is worse. Not much urgency, weirdly? However, I’m having cramping pain but in a place I rarely have had it before. I’m a left-sided colitis-er, so cramping for me is usually towards my side. This is transverse, up high between my diaphragm and belly button, and this is also where all the gurgling noise and sensations originate. At one point during the week I felt so terrible I took my temperature to see if I had a fever (I did not).
I was convinced it was a bug or bad food until Thursday, when I finally realized I may be in a flare, although mine have never started like this. I have a history of C Diff (including pseudo colitis) and these symptoms are similar, but with quarantine I can’t think of where I might have picked that up. I’ve done two nights of enemas so far.
Since I’m in limbo with doctors, I wanted to post here and get your thoughts. Flare? Anything else I can do or try? Words of reassurance or solidarity? Thanks!