Posted 5/2/2023 10:22 PM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone,
I’ve been an occasional lurker here for a while but going through a tough flare at the moment and thought it would be nice to hear from anyone with a similar experience…
I’ve had UC symptoms for 16 years, only diagnosed 6 years ago (distal colitis) and mostly up until the last year managed to come out of flares with dodgy advice from alternative practitioners around diet (basically starving myself). After a scope 4 weeks ago during this most recent bad flare, the inflammation was much worse than expected and the gastro dr put me straight on a course of prednisone (I was previously trying to manage with just pentasa enemas, which at that time seemed to be making things worse - Dr said it would have been too irritating on the level of inflammation seen during scope). I’m new to the drugs, and finally accepting the fact that I have a disease that needs to be managed and I can’t cure myself through a diet. It’s taken a while to get to this point!
Anyway, I’m 4 weeks into an 8 week prednisone taper (started at 40mg and now at 20) and due to see the Dr for a follow up next week and I guess talk about next steps for medication. The pred took a while to work - about 2 weeks for any bleeding to stop and then things started to feel like they were getting back to normal before I dropped to 20mg last week and diarrhoea has come back, passing mucus during the night again etc… very disheartening. I’m wondering about others’ experiences of tapering prednisone - would you usually start on something else before you taper too low? And have others had symptoms come back at this point in a taper? I think I’ll start back on the pentasa enemas. The whole process is so frustrating.
Sorry, much longer post than I intended!