Posted 4/4/2011 6:40 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Everyone,
So I am the original poster to this thread, and I wanted to just update everyone.
I can now say that my palps are gone.
In my post I told you I was suffering with very strange bouts of gas, and diarrhea, also having lots of other problems along the way. I was told I was suffering from IBS and Anxiety by doctors, but I always felt like there was an underlying problem or that I was fixable.
First of all they were trying to get me to take Anxiety medication on top of IBS problems. When you're suffering from IBS or any intestinal problems for that matter you SHOULD NOT take any type of prescription medication unless you were previously taking it, or it's a life and death situation, but adding anxiety medication on to my already upset stomach made everything WORSE. It unbalanced my intestinal flora and made me nauseous, I was not having regular bowl movements for days at a time, and I was feeling EXTREMELY miserable, BUT I do believe I've found a cure for myself.
After being told twice that there was nothing I could do, just deal with my IBS and palps, and try to eat healthy yahta yahta, I quickly changed doctors again and again until I found one that didn't just write me off. My new doctor took the regular blood/stool/urine tests and said that all my results were coming up normal but that she wasn't going to write me off, she asked a lot of questions and finally suggested I look into holistic remedies because she felt I should not be taking the anxiety medication if it's making the original problem worse. She told me that possibly looking into doing holistic remedies I could over come my IBS easily. By that statement alone I have started to realize that many western doctors are not really interested in "curing" you, just interested in getting you to come back to pay for more drugs, appointments, etc. I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to take medication unless I really need it, and this time I really didn't.
I looked up holistic remedies for IBS and palpitations and began asking around and doing a lot of research with holistic healers/doctors/nutritionists etc. I found out that a lot of times palps, gerd, gas, and acid reflux can come from toxic build up's in your colon due to how we defecate incorrectly. Humans were made to hunch over and squat down to eliminate our bowls to help push everything out, but because we sit up-right on top of a toilet and eat a lot of junk foods all of it gets built up and stuck in our intestines causing a build up of bacteria ultimately causing things like gas, gerd, and palps.
*Please note that if you have a hiatal hernia or other complication like it, this is not the approach for you, and stick with your doctors advice*
I started with a natural colon cleanse called The Ultimate Cleanse to flush out any built up toxins I may have. I did a 2 week cleanse and within only a couple of days my gas, my palps, and my acid reflux came to a halt. I also started as advised on an all-organic diet, removing all processed sugars, breads, yeasts etc. For two weeks during the cleanse I ate raw and steamed organic veggies, eggs in any style, and low fat meats only. After the two week detox I started to introduce things back into my system but slowly. Now I continue to eat only organic foods that are not processed, and do not contain MSG, Aspartame, or other synthetic ingredients. I also stay away from sodas, instead I go for organic ginger ale, and I do occasionally drink coffee but only from organically grown beans. I do not drink dairy from cows milk because I've always had an intolerance with it so I use goats milk products or soy products instead. One thing I have added to my diet is an ancient fermented tea called Kombucha. You drink 1 bottle/12oz a day, which puts good yeasts, Vitamin B's, and live probiotics back into your intestines. It also helped me to start growing back my hair, and I feel less hungry and get less crazy cravings for high sugar/carb meals. I am happy to say that I am now palp and IBS free for 2 months. I have only had one very small palp about 2 weeks ago after indulging in a very heavy carb filled meal at a friends house that mostly likely wasn't organic products.
So I don't know about your situation or what you've tried or been told to do, but you may want to give some of this a try...if not all of it, just try a colon cleanse, because for me the colon cleanse was one missing ingredient. I had tried the yeast free diet thinking it was Candida, which was basically what I was eating during the detox; just veggies, eggs, and meat, and still I would get the palps and gas. After I was advised to try it again but organically, and with the cleanse is when it changed. It couldn't hurt to try it, and it may work for you too, because I seriously tried EVERYTHING I found information about. I went to see numerous doctors, had numerous tests, (and paid tons of bills) tried numerous diets, tried exercising 5 days a week, and took vitamins and minerals thinking maybe I was deficient in some area, and it just went on and on and on, and all the gas and palps were still there everyday. Now, I felt better with no anxiety, no upset stomach issues, I never feel bloated or sick anymore, and I feel like I honestly got my life back.
Here is a list of what I did, and the things that seemed to work for me, still I would advise that you talk to your doctor about the things I have done, and see if they would work with your medication or lifestyle, or even better try talking to a holistic doctor like this one: - she will answer your questions in email form as well! I also advise taking down a food journal, because it may just be one specific thing that is bugging you, but if you are like me, and you've tried eliminating certain foods, tried certain diets, and it doesn't seem to help, maybe this is the thing for you too:
Here is what I did & continue to do:
-Take an organic over the counter colon cleanse or colon detox kit once or twice a year as needed. (do not use more than 1 month at a time) until your bowl movements are back to 2-3 regular movements per day.
-During detox eliminate all processed foods, carbs, and sugars for at least 2-4 weeks; eating only organic veggies, organic meats, and organic antibiotic free eggs.
-Take a comprehensive liquid organic vitamin daily- found in most health/vitamin store.
-Try to stay away from too much yeast & alcohol during and after the cleanse. (beer, wine, liquor, breads, pastries, etc)
-After your detox period is over slowly introduce new things into your diet like organic breads - fruits - fiber cereals - oatmeal, one at a time 2 or 3 times a week at most.
-Exercise regularly - take a 45 min yoga class, do 30 mins at the gym, take a bike ride, or at least just a brisk walk up and down your street - 3-4 times a week.
-Eat only organic foods free of processed ingredients, MSG, Aspartame, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, etc.
-Drink 1 12 oz. Kombucha bottle a day for 1 month and notice a HUGE difference after or during your detox! (can be found at most organic food markets like Henry's or Whole Foods, or online at Buy the brands made in dark brown bottles as it preserves the live yeast better. It tastes much like a sweetened apple cider, and it may be a bit strange and not what you're used to at first but after a few tries it's amazing!
Give this a try after talking to your doctor and let me know if this or something else has worked for you!
Best Wishes!