Posted 5/16/2011 1:30 AM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone.. I was diagnose with anxiety, at early stage of my anxiety i always worry that i might have heart attack or stroke, then it switch to fear or worry that i might become insane... i consulted my physician and after all exams and test she gave me antidepressant, after recovering for that fear , i was diagnose with hypertension in our company during annual physical exams... although not to high 130/90, she gave me a pill for hypertension since i have a family history of disorder.. After two weeks of taking the medicine, those dizziness, weakness are gone and i feel better. But anxiety still in my mind and attacking me sometimes.. i had a series of exams, 2d echo, stress test, blood test.. all of them are normal..
Last sunday while competing in the fun run for 10k (i run 3k twice a week regularly) i feel strong.. But after the run while eating i feel difficult in breathing theres no pain in my back or chest but its difficult to breath and palpitations was present... slight or almost no dizziness.. so i decided to go home to not create scandal in the public but i know i am not ok... when at home, it still difficult to breath so i change my clothes and rest for 10 mins and lay down.. after laying down for 30 mins i took my BP, its 130/70. and after a few more minutes i feel better again as if theres nothing happen. I decided to go to mall and have a shopping with my son for 4 hours and yet i am not tired.. What do you think it is????? is't panic or mild heart attack?