Posted 5/19/2017 8:12 AM (GMT -5)
There is a school of thought that cholesterol is not the issue. There are myriad opinions as to what IS the issue, and it's probably more than one of these things. Triglycerides and HDL (good cholesterol) are thought by many to be the most important blood results. You might also ask for an advanced lipid panel which should include testing for other proteins like LP(a), apo(e), and other tests (I'm not an expert). But it should be done by a cardiologist who knows what to do with the results. Not all do.
Also, before doing an invasive test like an angiogram, I would ask for a Ct heart scan. That will tell you if there are blockages, and also will give you a score representing the plaque load in his arteries. If it's clear, it might avoid an angio.
After a bad ekg and echo stress, my Dr sent me for the Ct heart scan, and it showed blockages, and a calcium score of 937 (anything above 400 is really bad and means high likelihood of coronary artery disease.)
The next day I had the angio and had 3 blockAges, they stented 2 of them, I'm fine right now, changed diet (although not as drastically as I did early on) I do a lot of walking and try to stay active.
By the way, I never had high cholesterol, I only had high triglycerides, and low HDL.
Read books by Dr William Davis. Total Wheat Belly. And a new book that just came out ... Undoctored (which I just got but haven't read.